Jesus paid it all chords
Jesus paid it all chords

jesus paid it all chords

(Note: His piano recording is a half step lower.) Intro: D/B A G G2 D/B A G G2 I hear the Savior say, "thy strength indeed is small, Child of weakness, watch and pray. Jesus paid it, all Bridge (2X) G Oh, praise the One who, paid my debt Verse 3 Bm. gospel- worship -song-lyrics-and- chords 1/4 Downloaded from on Jby guest Books Gospel Worship Song Lyrics And Chords Right here, we have countless books gospel worship song. Written by John Thomas Grape, Elvina Mabel Hall, Alex Nifong. Verse 1 G D G I hear the Savior say,Thy strength indeed is small Em7 C G D G Child of weakness, watch and pray,Find in Me thine. This version takes into account the chord changes from chorus to chorus, as well as some of the nuances of chords within the verses. Chord chart for 'Jesus Paid It All' as recorded on 'Lindell Cooley: Encounter 4 - Now Is The Time'.

Jesus paid it all chords